Saturday, May 30, 2020

Accidentally Becoming a Gold Medalist free essay sample

It was straightforward. Lift the weight and win. The main thing remaining among me and my award was my rival and what resembled a hundred pound bar. The bar appeared to dismay me as I attempted to make sense of how to lift it without making an imbecile of myself. As I looked to the side, attempting to disregard the scary bar, I saw a kid, and another, and another. As I investigated, I understood that lone young men had entered the weightlifting rivalry. They looked at me asking why a gaunt multi year old young lady had entered the opposition. I started to question myself. I understood at that point, that I had nothing to lose by attempting. I looked at my family, applauding me from the sidelines, and I settled on my choice. As the beginning time approached, we situated ourselves before the bars, pausing. We will compose a custom exposition test on Unintentionally Becoming a Gold Medalist or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page As the ringer went off, we mixed to be the first to lift the bar. Flashes went off as we lifted the bars over our heads. Shock flashed over our countenances as local people endeavored to conceal their chuckling. I put the bar down and glanced around befuddled. I had figured out how to lift perhaps a hundred pounds over my head and couldn’t comprehend everyones diversion. Shouldn’t they be in a condition of complete wonder and astonishment? All things considered, a little youngster had quite recently won the opposition. Much to my dismay that in a language I didn’t comprehend was composed something along the lines of â€Å"made from foam†. This reality, advised to me later on, didn’t matter as I stood gladly sitting tight for my award and still doesn’t hold any significance today. That day, I strolled with my head held high realizing that there was nothing that would have the option to hold me up. Today, my decoration hangs gladly over my bed helping me to remember the day I won my first Olympic game in the Changi air terminal. It advises me that each challenge can be met with a little exertion and no success is unimportant. I live ordinarily with an uplifting attitude, endeavoring to address each difficulty I face. Regardless of whether it be a national rivalry or a challenge put on in an air terminal, each open door taken is experience picked up. Presently I face difficulties head on, anticipating the day I can say I accomplished it.

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